Well said!
Well said!
The perfect suit for picking flowers.
The perfect suit for picking flowers.
The feeling you get when your naked and connected with nature 1
The feeling you get when your naked and connected with nature 1
The feeling you get when your naked and connected with nature 2
The feeling you get when your naked and connected with nature 2
I hope everybody sometime will experince the feeling she is feeling....
I hope everybody sometime will experince the feeling she is feeling....
The trees could'nt care less.
The trees could'nt care less.
Could'nt be happier - this is good for hart and soul.
Could'nt be happier - this is good for hart and soul.
Think the feeling - this is what art i about...?
Think the feeling - this is what art i about...?
Human nature in motion!
Human nature in motion!
Breath - open your mind and relax...
Breath - open your mind and relax...
Nice deep clevage.
Nice deep clevage.
In the neon light!
In the neon light!
Nice nest.
Nice nest.
Mother and child dressed as god intended... ?
Mother and child dressed as god intended... ?
No sand in your bikini!
No sand in your bikini!

Synd at samfunnet har blitt så puritansk og innsnevret at det har gjort nakenhet til noe skummelt, skremmende og farlig.

Mange kunstnere har malt og maler nakne mennesker, lurer på hva det kommer av?

Er det fordi det er skremmende, ekkelt, stygt og farlig?

Eller kan det være fordi det er noe av det mest fasinerende, spennende, flotte, nyanserte, vakre, uskyldige, sarte, sårbare, beskrivende, rørende, pirrende, følelsesgivende, eksotiske, gjenkjennende og naturlige som går an å skildre?

Om alt er kunst kan diskuteres, men naturen selv er det, og når vi er nakne blir vi ennå mer i ett med naturen - sluttligen er det øynene til den som ser som avgjør "kunstgraden" - men vakkert er det..

Teksten til bildene og tankene bildene skaper er også en slags kunst.


Too bad that society has become so puritanical and narrow that it has made nudity something scary,frightening and dangerous.

Many artists have painted and paint naked people, I´m wondering why?

Is it because it is scary, disgusting, ugly and dangerous?

Or could it be because it is one of the most fascinating, exciting, beautiful, nuanced, beautiful, innocent, fragile, vulnerable, descriptive, moving, stimulating, rewarding , exotic,  and recognizable and most natural thing possible to portray??

If all of it is art can be discussed, but nature in its self is, and when naked we become one - finally it is in the eyes of the beholder to judge the "artiness" - but beautiful it is.. 

The text to the pictures and the thoughts the pictures create in your mind is also art.