Let us keep it that way - for us and for future generations!
"What a Wonderful World" is a song written by Bob Thiele (as "George Douglas") and George David Weiss. It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong and released in 1967 as a single, which topped the pop charts in the United Kingdom.
Hei! Hallo! Hola!
This site will be revised and updated continuously, quiet randomly and often not very frequently - sorry!
Denne spalte og nettside er under kontinuerlig (treg) endring....
Politikk, religion, livssyn, hud, fornuft, objektivitet, innsikt, tålmodighet, stress, meditasjon, fordommer, stereotyping,
Busy loving myself... ;-)
I have been an organized naturist since 1995, and have become increasingly interested in how people can heal ourselves by becoming better acquainted with our body and bring nature to help.
To be objective, open minded and increase self-confidence. Getting closer to nature, means getting closer to yourself.
A deserted beach, warmth, sun, shadows, fruit, drinks, fireplace, my wife and 3 weeks before we have to go home.. ;-)
I wish you a pleasant trip/Ønsker deg en hyggelig rundtur.
Geir Torstenson
This site was started on the 23.02.2012